VodaSafe Inc.
Vodasafe provides modern methods for water based search and rescue through easily accessible, hand-held scanning sonar devices. Current waterfront rescue methods are archaic, slow to deploy and prone to error. Water clarity makes waterfront rescue extremely difficult and time consuming and in rescue, every second counts. The AquaEye® is an advanced underwater scanner, using the latest in ultrasound and artificial intelligence technologies to identify human bodies underwater. It is our one of a kind product which changes everything with the potential to save hundreds more lives each year; it’s easy to use, only requires one rescuer to operate and displays visual representation of the search area within seconds, allowing users to locate their victims immediately. Mission: Modernize current water based rescue technologies for search and rescue, emergency responders, lifeguards, and recreational users to aid in lifesaving and victim recovery.
VodaSafe Inc. Offices
OnSite Workspace
Employees work from physical offices.
Typical time on-site:
Vancouver, British Columbia, CAN